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male South Carolina, United States
I am 45-year-old who loves herbal plants and the wonders of traditional eastern medicine. I am smart and inspiring, but can also be very lazy and a bit moody. I was addicted to chocolate, something which my friend Cayden Cleveland Heath pointed out w
4 years ago
New review demonstrates a nutraceutical approach to nonalcoholic fatty liver disease

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a growing epidemic in the U.S. and throughout the world. It is a condition characterized by lipid build up in the liver, and is the leading cause of abnormal liver enzymes.

New Review Demonstrates a Nutraceutical Approach to ...
4 years ago
Root canal therapy refers to a treatment in which your dentist removes the bacteria infection that entered your tooth's pulp. Your second choice is to extract or remove the tooth. Be aware if you simply extract the tooth, the space caused by the missing tooth will cause the surrounding teeth to shift into that space.

Ashburn General and Cosmetic Dentistry
dan_wilson shares
4 years ago
The human gut contains trillions of bacteria – also referred to as the gut flora or microbiome – and these tiny unicellular organisms play an unfathomable role in overall health. For instance, a healthy gut flora has been shown to improve gut health, heart health, brain health, weight management, and others.
dan_wilson says
4 years ago
Pregnant women exposed to high radiation levels from sources like cell phones, wireless devices and cell towers miscarried at nearly three times the rate as those exposed to low levels, according to new research. Read this blog to learn more about the effects of radiation

Miscarriage Rates Triple for Women with Top Radiatio...
dan_wilson writes
4 years ago
HVAC system is like a car, it needs routine maintenance so that it will keep operating efficiently. Doing this could not only prevent repairs but also catch minor repairs that leads to major and costly repairs.

Congressional Heating and Air Conditioning
4 years ago
Heart disease is directly linked to inflammation.What is causing this immune-inflammatory reaction? It has been shown in numerous studies that as heart disease progresses, blood engorges the lining of the colon and intestine causing swelling and Leaky Gut Syndrome .

Heart Disease Treatment Service in SC | Merge Medica...
dan_wilson shares
4 years ago
A little bleeding, swelling and discomfort are normal after a tooth extraction, however, if you have any unusual bleeding beyond 4-6 hours post-operation it is important that you contact your dentist immediately or seek assistance at your local emergency room if you are unable to reach your dentist.

Ashburn General and Cosmetic Dentistry
dan_wilson eats
4 years ago
Across America, food “scraps” are often trimmings, skins and seeds tossed in the garbage. But as I started investigating these “waste products,” I quickly found many of these actually serve as edible food parts with robust nutrition.

Edible Food Parts You Never Knew You Could Eat | Mer...
dan_wilson shares
4 years ago
Pain has a purpose. It is a message your body sends telling you that something is wrong, out of balance, and needs to change. Pain can protect us from doing further damage to our body, but we need to listen to those signals. Although we tend to think of pain as strictly physical, it is much more complex.
Chronic Pain Treatment Service in SC | Merge Medical...