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male Los Angeles, CA, United States
A video a day w/ good café....
(A collective video quilt project)

Send thoughtful video submissions (art, music, science, physical triumph, psychobabble, etc.) for our daily video blog.

Actual site = bit.ly/dailycafevideo
dailycafevideo says
13 years ago
bit.ly/dcvno402 Check 'Head On' a new futuristic train animation VIDEO by LiorBenHorin & _NDV_ This little engine couldn't stop
dailycafevideo says
13 years ago
bit.ly/dccvno401 Watch new dinosaur animation VIDEO from 16bit & ljudbilden / thisisblink. Squish goes the lesser creatures...
dailycafevideo says
13 years ago
bit.ly/dcvno400 New OHLANDmusic VIDEO from CANADA & wearepartizan - This video team is killing me with freshness. - videomapping
dailycafevideo says
13 years ago
bit.ly/dcvno399 New Moby (thelittleidiot) VIDEO by Alexey Terehoff. Be amazed by the stopmotion tiltshift timelapse angel kid!
dailycafevideo says
13 years ago
bit.ly/dcvno398 Check out new WhiteLiesMusic VIDEO from CANADA & wearepartizan - London meets Barcelona via FictionRecords
dailycafevideo says
13 years ago
bit.ly/dcvno397 New VIDEO of BonIver Holocene by Nabil. "And I could see for miles, miles, miles..." boniver -This track kills me.
dailycafevideo says
13 years ago
VIDEO bit.ly/dcvno396 New LittleDragon remix from Tensnake via PeacefrogMusic - electro clash of Gothenburg, Hamburg & London
dailycafevideo says
13 years ago
VIDEO bit.ly/dcvno395 Check out 'Prismatic Planes' by ALEX_McLEOD_ -My avatar's riding a gryphon thru a 3D forest on LSD - WoW
dailycafevideo says
13 years ago
VIDEO bit.ly/dcvno394 Start off your Sat. afternoon w/ some glitchhop lawnmower man futurism by onformative & micro - kinect
dailycafevideo says
13 years ago
VIDEO bit.ly/dcvno393 Check 'Moments' by Brainfeeder artist TEEBSio & Paul Trillo. psychedelic smokebomb visions R pretty fresh.