28Friends 23Fans
I run Travellerspoint.com , a site where travellers share photos, tips, blogs and advice to help each other out.
daamsie wishes
16 years ago
he could plurk from any page on Plurk. Fails to understand why that's not already possible!
daamsie wishes
16 years ago
he could only be notified of responses to his own plurks. Seeing other people's responses is too overwhelming.
daamsie is
16 years ago
getting psyched for indoor soccer tonight
daamsie is
16 years ago 1
cooking up some chickpea and coconut soup. Hmm, wonder if it will be any good ;-)
daamsie thinks
16 years ago
Chunk Trunk would be a good name. :-D
daamsie shares
16 years ago
his green travel tips in this interview: www.travelingthegreenway...
daamsie is
16 years ago
wondering how to get Plurk into Friendfeed. Feed seems to be for me + all the people I follow.
daamsie likes
16 years ago 1
this kind of architecture: www.travellerspoint.com/...
daamsie is
16 years ago
reading about writing an interface style guide: www.alistapart.com/artic...
daamsie is
16 years ago
having a cup of tea.