113Friends 32Fans
female Pasong Tamo, Philippines
Well I've warned you now. I'd love that you gave me notice at the very least. This profile is the very essence of the sh*t, though you can add me up anytime you want to. ;-)
Czalami is
15 years ago
performing rites of resuscitation upon this dead account
Czalami hates
15 years ago
putting things off for the latest time, yet I do it often anyways for the strangest reasons :-o
Czalami says
15 years ago
kaayys I now feel like sleepin' :-)
Czalami is
15 years ago
good. Yeah, I'm feeling pretty good atm. Fairly, actually. atm=atmospheric pressure :-D
Czalami is
15 years ago
home now. oopatsu's stolen my pencil :-o
Czalami thinks
15 years ago 1
Vampires and I probably do not really go together. I am not sick. Just deliberating. Criticizing. :-D
Czalami wonders
15 years ago 3
where Cozza-chan is, she'll have to be out here replying :-D
Czalami says
15 years ago 8
Ooohh karma's goin' down, just because I couldn't get online yesterday. That's so sad, I had to go to the airport dang it~
Czalami says
15 years ago
It's just the same as back then, only, perhaps, better? :-D (heart)
Czalami says
15 years ago
7 slides down. 23 more to be completed. (sleeping)