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female Singapore
cyxnide says
14 years ago
おはよう、World! いい一日になりそうだ! (^O^☆♪ って、もう昼?? (>人<;-)
cyxnide says
14 years ago
14 years ago
hates crowds. they push you, block you, hog good vantage points and they stink. crowds go to exhibitions. conclusion: I hate exhibitions.
cyxnide is
14 years ago
reminded of why she hates being sick. :-(
14 years ago
<- 路痴。
14 years ago
just got caught in the rain and denied good food. >: / *cranky*
cyxnide says
14 years ago
aaaaaaaaaaaarghhhhhh. >: /
cyxnide has
14 years ago 3
decided to cosplay Tsuna on day 1. last minute, but wth. -_- *face-keyboard*
cyxnide says
14 years ago
is it just me? or is it that 最近の仮面ライダーは皆イケメン?‼ >w<
cyxnide says
14 years ago 2
一人のご飯は寂しいご飯。 :-(