26Friends 6Fans
male Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
So yea, imma keep this short and simple. well. im a type of person who enjoys good quality fun. very out going. and loves to dance. so basically thats all.
cyw93 thinks
16 years ago
valentines isnt that biguva deal afterall
cyw93 says
16 years ago
how was valentines people?
cyw93 says
16 years ago 3
i see trees of greeen, red roses too
cyw93 says
16 years ago
you make it real for me.
cyw93 says
16 years ago 6
hahah over 80 karma got headspinning emoticon hahahahahaha
cyw93 says
16 years ago
i cant keep up with the responses man
cyw93 says
16 years ago 6
BAHAHA keejin so much for " first time i see someone lower karma then me" hahahaha in your face*rockstar emoticon*
cyw93 feels
16 years ago
sad he didnt get any medal for merentas desa. owh well at least i tried my best
cyw93 is
16 years ago
going to kill the son of a itch that burnt my scouts uniform
cyw93 thinks
16 years ago 14
friendster is getting dead and is filled with horny people