17Friends 3Fans
Loughborough, Great Britain (UK)
上人: 人好心好,可是嘴不好,也不能算是好人('.')
Cylie양정의 shares
13 years ago
痞客邦的新文章 我贏了! 但是我也累了(不解風情的FU)(我贏了! 但是我也累了(不解風情的FU))
Cylie양정의 shares
13 years ago
痞客邦的新文章 RF電波纖纖美腿術,告別蘿蔔瘦小腿 (RF電波纖纖美腿術,告別蘿蔔瘦小腿 )
13 years ago
媽今早說:昨晚看到一隻毛毛蟲, 今日醒來, 他種的花 葉子全被吃光(噁斃了!)~ 可憐的小花園~ >"<
Cylie양정의 分享
13 years ago
今新同事說我,看起來20幾歲,哈哈就是要常聽到醬,才可永保年輕,~Today new colleague said i'm like 20 yrs sth! ~haha,to be always young should hear this often! That's right
Cylie양정의 分享
13 years ago
:'-(i am nearly falling asleep! and today korea lessson was so difficult to me.