18Friends 7Fans
female Sugar City, CO, United States
I am a knitter, spinner, all around crafter. Mother of 4 wonderful kids, married to my soul mate for 14 years. Homeschooler, reader, lover of knowledge and all things crafty. :-)
11 years ago
So, now its raining. Again. Not complaining, we really need it here.
11 years ago
Heading out to Crowley County Days. Looks like it will be a wonderful day. :-)
11 years ago
Just under 90 degrees today. I think its a cold snap. Going to go out and do some garden work, then into the pool I go!
11 years ago
That awkward moment when you realize that your routine has fallen through the cracks and you have to put on your big girl panties and make it happen again. :-P
11 years ago
This is a great day. God is good. I have more blessings than I can count.
11 years ago 1
Have had such a busy week. I need a day off. Soon.
11 years ago
Good Morning world. What is in store for us today? We shall see.
11 years ago
What a start to my day. The Lord must have something really wonderful in mind.
11 years ago 1
OK, I officially LOVE the new pool! I just spent the last hour floating around, listening/singing praise music, and watching quite a few meteors wiz by while being able to see the Milky Way! I love my life.
11 years ago 1
A flat tire? Really? At least it was in my own driveway.