56Friends 31Fans
female Tangerang, Indonesia
i LOVE fuhrer hitler too much.
i HATE bugs so damn much.
i LIKE fro-yo a lot.
i LISTEN to a lot of rock music.
i CARE about nature so much.
i DISLIKE the color pink.
crispychristy is
15 years ago
ngantukk tpii nda mao bboo . ==
crispychristy says
15 years ago
bngung dahh . ckckk .
crispychristy says
15 years ago
crispychristy is
15 years ago
bingung mao ngpainn . ==
crispychristy is
15 years ago
ngantukk, capee, bsenn, betee ol tugeder. great !
crispychristy loves
15 years ago 3
fuck you-lily allen ! (music) :-D
crispychristy is
15 years ago
nda bsa rapatt , maavv iaa. hwhww
crispychristy is
15 years ago
nda mao skolaa !!
crispychristy is
15 years ago
maless rapaatt . ==
crispychristy is
15 years ago
setenga ngantukk