1Friends 7Fans
female Shippensburg, PA, United States
courane01 says
13 years ago
Google+ free webinar at 2pm EDT today. How are you planning to use this service? ow.ly/5HX0c
courane01 says
13 years ago
Google+ free training tomorrow: goo.gl/Fd6dC, also launching Social Mobile Local Marketing Pros
courane01 says
13 years ago
Google to Businesses: Don’t Create Google+ Profiles Yet ping.fm/WqFIX
courane01 says
13 years ago
Are we connected in Google+ yet? Find me here: goo.gl/pBCVG
courane01 says
13 years ago
Wahoo - just a few hours until goforyourdream members learn about WP Touch Pro - mobile theme template/plugin. ping.fm/yqxbn
courane01 says
13 years ago
Live now: helping WordPress website owners make their websites mobile ready ow.ly/5248W
courane01 says
13 years ago
Prepping for today's webinar. Helping Wordpress website owners make their sites mobile ready 2pm EDT ow.ly/5248W
courane01 says
13 years ago
Helping business owners measure their online efforts today. 2 hours to go. Join us ow.ly/4VXTu
courane01 says
13 years ago
WordPress website owners - are you promoting your events on online? Covering Events Calendar Pro tomorrow ow.ly/4MOM2 2pm EDT
courane01 says
13 years ago
Jumping on the webinar now. Learn about WordPress Jetpack. It's a plugin formerly only available to Wordpress.com users ow.ly/4IlCQ