Benoffee Pie
63Friends 98Fans
male Quezon City, Philippines
I'm an avid reader whose selection extends from the popular to the weird, I also love to write poetry and I have managed to publish some of my work though I will never say where :-P haha, plus I love to watch anime!
Benoffee Pie is
14 years ago
depressed, damn you weather and HIMYM!
Benoffee Pie says
14 years ago
bring on the wonder, bring on the song, I pushed you down deep into my soul for too long...
Benoffee Pie says
14 years ago
yesterday was one of the best days of my life, EK+Tagaytay= one very happy Ben :-)
Benoffee Pie says
14 years ago
when I saw you I fell in love and you smiled because you knew...
Benoffee Pie says
14 years ago
epic, 10 days of drinking with family and friends ends with a bang.. damn I love you all! 2011 here I come! Eri I love you, I'm here to stay
Benoffee Pie says
14 years ago
I am thankful for all the blessings I have been given this year most of all I am happy that I have you all who love me and support me. ILY!
Benoffee Pie says
14 years ago
Merry Christmas Friends and Loved ones! :-)
Benoffee Pie says
14 years ago
I will finally be an uncle! Sim I'm so proud of you sis! Love you!
Benoffee Pie says
14 years ago
I'm walking this road coz you stole my car... you want me to believe in your love... and yet I will when you give back my stuff :-P
Benoffee Pie says
14 years ago 4
he just spent the last hour smoking a shisha (hookah) hahaha, my head is spinning :-)