35Friends 14Fans
female United Kingdom
I love whump(basically extreme angst), rping and art! Autistic + adhd. may not get social cues, may be weird, forgets stuff. I accept friend requests!! Anyone can follow! I drew my icon + background
Enoch. shares
4 weeks ago
This is ghostdays and my collection of short stories! A lot of them are quite old so aren’t accurate to the lore haha. Read the tags and don’t read the stories if anything in the tags triggers or upsets you in a fictional context! Comet and Esther - Chapter 1 - ghostdays, scattereds...
4 weeks ago 6
I’m gonna finish uploading the chapters of mine and ghostdays ‘s book to ao3 and then I’ll deactivate my account
4 weeks ago
Rest in pieces, group and messages (RIP) (tears)
4 weeks ago
remember: be cringe and be free!!
1 months ago
Plurk is kind of lonely. I feel like on Q, people interacted with me a bit more. I could post roleplay stuff without worrying about going over my limit haha. Maybe I should post some rp stuff…Like anons and scenarios for people to interact with. That’d be fun maybe
1 months ago 18
What kind of character tropes do you like?
1 months ago
politics are fucked
1 months ago 1
ghostdays YOU!I like you :] bestie!
1 months ago
Decided to check out the app and my CSS profile doesn’t work on it :-(. If you wanna see what it really looks like, then go on the web version
1 months ago 2
One of my stims is saying “Let’s make comet vomit!” nooo…why is the only word that rhymes with comet vomit?