The way The snow is swirling makes me feel like I'm inside of a snow globe o.O
The stuff my brother cooks is just scary and he has no clue how to properly season his dishes. He lives in a constant world of cook fail
I hate shopping... really, truly HATE it
Why do I always get the urge to point and say 'i seeee you!' To people wearing camoflouge?
Any type of tattoo show is an instant attention grabber for me.
Watching my littlest niece play her new nin ds. It's crazy what 4 year Olds can do these days... were we ever this smart at their
Great... just... great ... I think I need a case of beer, a.s.a.p.
oh lord what a day... peanut butter tried to attack me and ended up smashing my favorite coffee mug. Shit was flying everywhere o.O
I LOVE the blogger app for android. I don't really care for blogger but it works & I'll take what I can get.