52Friends 46Fans
male Flower Mound, TX, United States
I am Cole :-) I like photography and I have a (bad) website for my photos... I l also like... theatre, design, art, nature, and animals. I am vegetarian and have been for two years now :-D
colecarter has
15 years ago 3
set the new desk :-D Now I am going to the Nursery to get plants
colecarter has
15 years ago 2
a headache... sleep :-
colecarter thinks
15 years ago 12
the cleaning lady threw away his 4GB memory card :'-(
colecarter was
15 years ago 15
shopping, eating at the Cosmic Cafe, and seeing an indie type film at the Angelica :-D New clothes and a new desk!
colecarter is
15 years ago 1
shopping!!! :-D
colecarter is
15 years ago 4
showering :-D
15 years ago 20
dreams of..... idk i will tell you when I wake up :-D zzz
colecarter thinks
15 years ago 3
he will stay awake ten more minutes :-D
colecarter has
15 years ago 2
to go to bed :-)) Shopping and cosmic cafe <3