coffee and TV
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Taipei, Taiwan
coffee and TV
12 years ago 9
coffee and TV
12 years ago
Amazon Best Books of the Month, December 2012: An entire biography dedicated to a single song might seem excessive at first. But when that song is Hallelujah--a decades-old, epic ode to sex, spirituality, and everything in between--such a spotlight is not only justified but arguably necessary.The Holy or the Broken: Leonard Cohen, Jeff Buckley,...我要看我要看我要看我要看
coffee and TV
12 years ago 6
coffee and TV
12 years ago 1
coffee and TV
12 years ago 9
現場錄音蒐集多了,發現很多樂團或歌手都會有幾首(基於神祕的非技術性理由而)硬是不愛唱的熱門曲目。像是鮑伊的Starman,齊柏林飛船的When the levee breaks,達明一派的<萬人迷>,<月黑風高>和<美麗的謊言>。不知明天達明多年來在台灣的第一次正式演唱會不會破例……
coffee and TV
12 years ago 6