[Codie ~]#
1720Friends 739Fans
female Montreal, Second Life, Canada
Resident of SecondLife, artist, photographer, scripter, party animal, blogger.

WARNING: This whole timeline is NON SAFE FOR WORK. Expect smut, porn, anything crude. You have been warned.
[Codie ~]#
9 years ago 4
Read the TPP now! Read the TPP
[Codie ~]#
9 years ago 6
[Codie ~]#
9 years ago 31
Shit watched recently, just thought I'd share.
[Codie ~]#
9 years ago 42
Possible FO4 release date? Generic Bethesda Title - Xbox One
[Codie ~]#
9 years ago 21
installing a brand new Debian 8 server for migrating our primary nameserver. Total boot time: 7 seconds. Take that, Windows.
[Codie ~]#
9 years ago 27
this. this makes me unbelievably happy. Fallout 4 - Official Trailer
[Codie ~]#
9 years ago 27
Please Stand By Please Stand By...