13Friends 17Fans
male Perth, Australia
Looking for the next adventure

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CliffhangerB says
15 years ago 5
oops...karma plummet has occurred
CliffhangerB is
15 years ago
"grrr-ing" at Skype chat
CliffhangerB is
15 years ago
back....sort of
15 years ago
misses swimming with luminescent krill
CliffhangerB is
15 years ago 1
not going climbing this weekend...first weekend in a long time.
15 years ago
managed to get some domestics done before work. Yay. :-)
CliffhangerB says
15 years ago
yay family guy is on again. :-)
CliffhangerB is
15 years ago 1
wondering if the narkiness is due to coffee withdrawal?!?!?
15 years ago
should do some sort of physical activity tonight...but the cookies and cream icecream is beckoning
CliffhangerB is
15 years ago
happy to have had a fang before the weather turns.