23Friends 81Fans
female Manila, Philippines
ADD MEH!~ I have no friends, no social life, No accomplishments. I need online friends to compensate for my IRL failures. Contribute to my happiness. Add me now
cleraindon says
16 years ago 44
I has zero karma... T_T halp?
cleraindon needs
16 years ago 134
spam... spam me plox :-D!
cleraindon wishes
16 years ago
to go home
cleraindon is
16 years ago 14
wants to paper people
cleraindon is
16 years ago
amused as how this feels so bionic
cleraindon is
16 years ago 12
also chepot but made this account for new plurkers who doubt the power of plurk and wants a test first
cleraindon is
16 years ago 3
saying hello to the Plurk world! :-)