62Friends 29Fans
female Rosario, Philippines
..sTartIng pa lNg pO..
..bY the waY,,
mah naame is: claire
..yOu can call whatever yOu want..
..add me uP na lAng..!
..im 14..
,Obvious na fEmale...
ahha!..jOWk daw??..fUnny...ahum!
_CLAiRE.pOT:)_ says
15 years ago
gud am po!!! (wave) (hungry)eat ur breakfast..
_CLAiRE.pOT:)_ says
15 years ago 1
bubye ^^//gtg..!!!tom na lang let.! (rock) ;-)
_CLAiRE.pOT:)_ asks
15 years ago
for SOMEONE who can FLOOD RESPONSE here..:-P.please!!haha.
_CLAiRE.pOT:)_ asks
15 years ago
for SOMEONE who can FLOOD RESPONSE here..:-P.please!!haha.
_CLAiRE.pOT:)_ says
15 years ago 8
i'm here.. (gym)
_CLAiRE.pOT:)_ says
15 years ago 4
gtg..BUBYE^^..feelll sleepyy..ily ol.cee yah!!
_CLAiRE.pOT:)_ wants
15 years ago 23
_CLAiRE.pOT:)_ wants
15 years ago 17
here :-)
_CLAiRE.pOT:)_ wants
15 years ago 19
YOU to FLOOD RESPONSE here :-) please GUYS..^^..i nid RESPONSE..PLEASE!! (tears)
_CLAiRE.pOT:)_ says
15 years ago 15
here :-) np: THE SHOW -lenka