Nikesz xD
11Friends 11Fans
female London, Great Britain (UK)
Facebook Me BeyBii ♥
You Know You Wanna.
***Nudge, nudge... *winks ;-)
Nikesz xD asks
15 years ago 6
is it true that is you have 50+ karma you can get MORE smileys? coz' im not... :-( the third set of smiley
Nikesz xD
15 years ago 7
hollyoaks !!!!!!!!
Nikesz xD
15 years ago
YESSSSS! 50 wooooohooo hopes get higher... yesssh!
Nikesz xD
15 years ago
blame it on the a...a...a...alcohol...:-P
Nikesz xD hopes
15 years ago 4
everything would be fine as it should be... :|
Nikesz xD hates
15 years ago
that school is 2moz... rahhh! (angry)Geography assessment hopes it work...
Nikesz xD loves
15 years ago
Tinkerbell.... sooo awesome.. [terence is such a friend...] (cozy)
Nikesz xD says
15 years ago
going churchhhh :-P
Nikesz xD says
15 years ago
dzaaaaammmm mny plurk karma downnnn :'-(
Nikesz xD says
15 years ago 17
yesssssssssssssssss my net is klllll....