167Friends 88Fans
male Malate, Philippines
married to Mye gorgeous wife...

i have 2 of the best kids in the world, Samuel & Elizabeth...

love my job!

cjnunag says
13 years ago
fasting teaches us that, by God's grace, we can say 'no' to the desires of the flesh. victorious day 1! fasting2012
cjnunag says
13 years ago
Lord, please heal my wife's flu - the only thing she thinks about is to do shopping (retail therapy) to get better. ilovemywife
cjnunag says
13 years ago
let this and the coming generations to know that it's all about Jesus! fasting2012 mmstaffmeeting
cjnunag says
13 years ago
fasting is not about getting what we want but it's aligning ourselves to what God wants. excited to miss a few meals this year! fasting2012
cjnunag says
13 years ago
Take the first step in faith. You don't have to
see the whole staircase, just take the first step.
- M.Luther King
Have a faith-filled 2012!
cjnunag says
13 years ago 2
2012 in 24 hours! i see new hope, new beginnings, new chances & new challenges. i will trust in our faithful & great God! let's get it on!
cjnunag says
13 years ago
On Relationships: Shared joy is a double joy; shared sorrow is half a sorrow.
- Swedish Proverb
cjnunag says
13 years ago
T'was Grace that taught my heart to fear.
And Grace, my fears relieved. How precious did that Grace appear, the hour I first belie
cjnunag says
13 years ago
samuel: how come it's Jesus' bday & we get all the gifts? maybe bec that's how generous He is.
thank you JESUS! merry Christmas everyone!
cjnunag says
13 years ago
Remember Jesus' bday once a year but celebrate and live His life everyday! Merry CHRISTmas everyone! :-) Let's get the party started!