11Friends 26Fans
female Beaverton, OR, United States
High School Math Teacher, Geek, Gadget Girl, Seeking not for the killer app but for the app that will just make paperwork that much easier so I can bloody well teach.
cirix feels
16 years ago
she had something planned and now no clue as to what it was. Other than, this weekend will be hot and she will be finding AC somewhere.
16 years ago
Quick! We need a 40 minute game!
16 years ago
twii'd for 30 minutes. :-D
cirix has
16 years ago 1
achieved Inbox Zero. Almost. Now its just has email that needs to be acted upon. Both private and school email boxes! (s_dance)
cirix is
16 years ago 1
working on her Inbox:Zero A philosophy she HAS to adopt to survive.
16 years ago 2
my plurk creature got colored and updated to the over 60 karmacreature! upgrade ftw!
cirix is
16 years ago 4
going to go watch national treasure 2. i need more conspiracyin my life.
cirix thinks
16 years ago
that sometimes a planbook is just that-a planbook. Not a diary, not an agenda, not a gradebook, not anything else other than just plans.
cirix asks
16 years ago
what is up with twitter? Can't login...its like i don't exist. (s_unsure)