6Friends 22Fans
female Bronx, NY, United States
chrizane is
15 years ago
tired. Tired. Tired of all this shizzz.
chrizane is
15 years ago
chrizane is
15 years ago
relieved, but sad at the same time. I hope everything works out fine for the ones involved. Like I said, karma will get you, S.
chrizane is
15 years ago
chrizane is
15 years ago
having a bad headache. Too much Mai Tai.... (tears)
chrizane is
15 years ago
tired. D and I walked around town the whole day after the Transformers movie.
chrizane is
15 years ago
going to see Transformers on IMAX tomorrow! :-D
chrizane says
15 years ago 2
it hurts to know that the person you trusted the most, the person you treated like a sister, turned out to be lying to you all this time.
chrizane is
15 years ago
chrizane is
15 years ago