37Friends 3Fans
male Solo, Indonesia
Aku punya darah Cina, terus kenapa? Itu hanya sesuatu yang dikodekan dalam DNA-ku.
Tidak bisakah kau melihat? Kurang lebarkah matamu?
Hatiku dipenuhi Indonesia!
Cinta, darah dan perjuangan untuk Nusantaraku!
Bangsa dan tanah airku...
christ_indisch says
14 years ago 1
In this life I will stand, through my joy and my pain, knowing there's a greater day, there's a hope that never fails. (rock)
christ_indisch is
14 years ago 9
ngerjain metodologi... Bsk revisi kedua, yeah!
christ_indisch says
15 years ago 2
The seed I've received I will sow. :-D
christ_indisch says
15 years ago 6
ndang rampung revisine...
christ_indisch says
15 years ago
I need You, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob...
christ_indisch says
15 years ago 8
I am not a doctor yet, so please don't call me doctor for now. That's against the law :-))
christ_indisch says
15 years ago
ga ada kuliah lagi..
christ_indisch says
15 years ago 2
Mimpi yang tidak kau perjuangkan, akan menghantuimu selamanya. - Rodney Copperbottom, Robots
christ_indisch says
15 years ago 4
hal. 624 (rock)
christ_indisch says
15 years ago 10
ayo, sistem grana! Angkat Indonesia!