Sarah Loh
9Friends 3Fans
female Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Sarah Loh says
15 years ago
喜歡我的人,我卻對他沒感覺... 我喜歡的人,卻偏偏不喜歡我...
Sarah Loh says
15 years ago
如果有一天我学回了放弃你, 不是因为我忘了你, 而是因为我太爱你...
Sarah Loh says
15 years ago
我为了他... 做的还不够多吗 ? 到后来... 都只有伤心... 痛苦和眼泪...
Sarah Loh says
15 years ago
不要因为怕被拒绝... 而放弃告白... 放弃追求...
Sarah Loh says
15 years ago
why don't you understand that it hurts when you ignore me...
Sarah Loh says
15 years ago
there's a truth in your eyes say-ing you'll leave me alone.
Sarah Loh says
15 years ago
Sarah Loh says
15 years ago
Sarah Loh says
15 years ago
you're already gone, so i don't miss you. XD
Sarah Loh says
15 years ago
you're the most important people in my world.