破卡布栗子 Karma: 82.46
not stating / other
【潛水中】Easte Karma: 81.94
not stating / other
- Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
雄勢♡去迷宮飯坑啦♡ Karma: 83.22
not stating / other
- Japan
blair | 布蕾 Karma: 101.73
not stating / other
- Taichung, Taiwan
兔子店長♪廢文bot Karma: 92.15
not stating / other
- 兔子商店
全職貓奴 Karma: 71.39
- Taiwan
方方 Karma: 100.00
- Taipei, Taiwan
s🧸 Karma: 97.53
not stating / other
- ☾ 挪威的森林