24Friends 16Fans
male Hong Kong

深愛著你 忘記距離 窮天竭地
能為你 拚命的追尋 我信便是我能
不理命運 人最美是勇敢

頭頂天 地立腳 一颯清風千世人
夢不死 留餘音 我們仍然是接近
或許永恆 未對人間多憐憫
心無憾 盡了自己責任

頭頂天 地立腳 一颯清風千世人
夢不死 留餘音 我們仍然是接近
或許永恆 未對人間多憐憫
心無憾 為我夢想繼續尋

心無憾 為我夢想繼續尋
chlorine is
15 years ago
not happy for OO is having fever. His temper is bad and it is like fighting a monster to feed him medicine.
chlorine thinks
15 years ago
每個人都要為自己的行為負責, 因此酒井法子自首是這次事件最好的結局.
chlorine is
15 years ago
happy to announce OO is 10 mths old now.
chlorine is
15 years ago
blind surfing... avoiding the fact he needs to work.
chlorine has
15 years ago
decided to stay in the office tonight.
chlorine says
15 years ago 3
please add me in ICQ: 23562712.
chlorine wants
15 years ago
a time turner.
chlorine is
15 years ago