14Friends 9Fans
female Tainan, Taiwan

chioyu says
15 years ago 6
I have gotten used to eating one or two meal a day. Summer makes people feel no appetite,so I can take the opportunity to lose weight. B-)
chioyu says
15 years ago 4
I am "no limit" today,because I ate Japanese pizza and iced soup.XDDD
chioyu says
15 years ago 5
"A Room"is a nice place for reading or chatting with friends.It just like "Masa Loft",which makes people feel leisurely and carefree. :-)
15 years ago 11
期末測驗的是五力:努力、智力、體力、耐力、毅力(某:後二個有何差別?)T^T 還有最後一科,現正努力靠著微弱的智力和殘存的體力,以莫名的耐力及頑強的毅力準備消滅它= =
chioyu thinks
15 years ago 12
maybe I have the antibody of Vitamin B group...orz
chioyu shares
15 years ago 3
chioyu hopes
15 years ago 10
I have 2 brains and 48 hours a day.I know I am greedy. :-o
chioyu says
15 years ago
xFroscar,QQDe,Louis and Eshun,thank you! All of you are really kind.T^T
chioyu says
15 years ago 9
The Property of Civil Law is so difficult. :'-(