6Friends 15Fans
female Mexico
I don't judge people of their appearances. But their inner beauty that's of utmost importance.
Fifa says
12 years ago
I might as well defreeze my karma right? HAHA. But it's not that i update here daily. I update only when i need to. Just to get away from annoying person in twitter (eyeroll)
Fifa says
12 years ago
And Dad said by the time we move there, it's already during my holiday. Yayyy! Umah baru da dekat ngn sekolah lgi. I like! (woot)(dance)
Fifa says
12 years ago
Seriously tk sabar sey nk pindah ker umah baru!! Woohooo! Penantian kita selama ni sungguh berbaloi. Alhamdulillah. :-))
Fifa says
12 years ago
So i replied, "Victoria Secret." Nk mahal2 jer eh! Haha. Looking forward to it cuz. :-D
Fifa says
12 years ago
Since i ran out of perfume, cuz asked me what brand i prefer 'cause he promised to buy me one(the expensive sort) someday.
Fifa says
12 years ago
Updating Plurk without defreezing karma is like working without pay. #lame
Fifa says
12 years ago
Selagi aku boleh sabar, aku sabar je. :-D
Fifa says
12 years ago
Aku tknk ckp byk.. Ada ubi ada batas, ada hari Tuhan balas. Simple as that :-)
Fifa says
12 years ago
Korg ingat Tuhan tk nmpk ape mak kaw da buat pat kte org selama nie? Tunggu jer k balasan dariNya. Tunggu..
Fifa says
12 years ago
KALO NK IKUTKAN HATI, NK JER AKU BLOCK KAW BODOH. Tapi tk.. Disebabkan kaw adek sepupu aku nye psl, aku tknk buat mcm gtu.