ɥsyoɾ :D
124Friends 44Fans
female San Pedro, Philippines
* joycee
* katorse
* 12-o7-94
* single :-)
* banal! 0:-)
* God-fearing person. :-)
FS: friendster.com/chikshang
MULTiPLY: chiexhie.multiply.com
ɥsyoɾ :D says
15 years ago
You were not born to follow rules & regulations. Living starts w/ dreaming. So dream, & let dreams show you the path to your bliss. GudAM:-)
ɥsyoɾ :D says
15 years ago
update* morning. :-P
ɥsyoɾ :D says
15 years ago
GoodNight (:
ɥsyoɾ :D loves
15 years ago
christopher chace crawford. (heart)
ɥsyoɾ :D says
15 years ago
goodeve :-)
ɥsyoɾ :D says
15 years ago 2
morning :-)
ɥsyoɾ :D says
15 years ago
morning :-D
ɥsyoɾ :D says
15 years ago
morning :-D
ɥsyoɾ :D says
15 years ago
goodEVE. :-)
ɥsyoɾ :D says
15 years ago
morning :-)