140Friends 95Fans
female somewhere., Saudi Arabia
chichi . parker . =]] junior . porteen. na . mostly known as. chiqui . or mary at school. or even angelie. xD

.i love. my friends. my family. our God. my trojanxz. my go0fy!. thats all.!
16 years ago
uncle!!. superr sorii! na!. what did i do. ba!? =[
16 years ago
:] go0d. pm. :]
16 years ago 4
good am!. :]
16 years ago 13
haha. BEST iN UNiFORM! ang mga.mukhang STOPLiGHT! (rofl) [w/o green nga lng]
16 years ago
uncle!. im sooo sorii! (tears)
16 years ago
..... ?
♥chiquii is
16 years ago
tired! .hapii birthday. uncle GG!. .
16 years ago 4
.nakakapagod!. ugh!. =[
16 years ago 48
i. dont want to go to school! =[
16 years ago
tulogg n akoO. . =] apii new year!. ilyall!.