12Friends 38Fans
female Perth, Australia
Currently traveling in China, Europe, and Australia.
her blog-
her trip-
cherryodyssey has
15 years ago
difficulty to sleep
cherryodyssey is
15 years ago
waiting for her bf to come back in 15 hours after a 3-week vacation
cherryodyssey wonders
15 years ago
cried alot today
cherryodyssey wonders
15 years ago 1
where to go? India or Nipal or Tibet?
cherryodyssey has
15 years ago
booked her ticket from Australia to Thailand. She will leave on Novermber 23, then carry on her trip til going back home
15 years ago
I need new job, I am in Perth. Anything is good.
cherryodyssey shares
15 years ago
看完酪梨壽司 的購物清單我想吃青椒炒牛肉和馬鈴薯燉肉
cherryodyssey wonders
15 years ago 9
can plurk karma become 0? I have super low karma here.
cherryodyssey has
15 years ago
her period. so the vomiting is just a sympton of being sick
cherryodyssey wonders
15 years ago
if I am pregnant or I am just about to have period... I hope it's later...