3Friends 4Fans
male Tanjungpinang, Indonesia
◊ 姓名: Alex - 陈家乐
◊ 生日: February 04, 1995
◊ 血型: O
◊ 身高: 166 cm
◊ 體重: 53 kg

Likes : : Panda, ice cream, marshmallow, tea, peach, strawberry, melon, cold weather, etc.

Dislikes : : Horror, spicy food, liars, traitors, hot weather, etc.
chen_jiale needs
14 years ago
more friends on plurk...
chen_jiale says
14 years ago
what a way to start my day... *sigh*
chen_jiale says
14 years ago
things are easier than what i had thought it would be!! :-D
chen_jiale says
14 years ago
hungry, hungry...
chen_jiale says
14 years ago
the weather is hot today!!! :-(
chen_jiale has
14 years ago
so many troubles... :-(
chen_jiale hopes
14 years ago
it will rain again today..
chen_jiale says
14 years ago
can't i do something that i like???
chen_jiale feels
14 years ago
sleepy + lazy
chen_jiale feels
14 years ago
BAD MOOD.... ><