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female Makasar, Indonesia
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14 years ago
I miss the days when tying my shoes was the hardest thing to do.Now its learning how to smile when everything inside tells me to cry(tears)
14 years ago
You will never change someone,YOU CAN INFLUENCE THE CHANGE but until they choose to change who they are...they will remain the same.
14 years ago
Dont try to be someone your not, wait for the guy who likes you for you. you were born an original don't die a copy. ;-) :-)
14 years ago
People will tell you they care, but they don't seem to show it unless you get sick, die, or become famous. (annoyed)
14 years ago
virgo likes the deep, rich, committed love. Not the light, fluffy high-school love. (cozy)
14 years ago
14 years ago
Dear Lord today help me find fulfillment, excitement & achievement. Please don't let my present condition be permanent!
chel_eunhye needs
14 years ago 2
sms dr DIA (:
chel_eunhye wonders
14 years ago
kau ad dmna?? brsma siapa??sdg b'buat ap?? (unsure)
chel_eunhye hopes
14 years ago
white x'mas (tears) (tears)