48Friends 55Fans
male Singapore
A spiritual and philosophical person...
A active interactor and attention seeker...
Definitely more inclined in math and science...
And a 100% passion in child development, teaching, sports and music...
Michael Jackson - Childhood (Video)
Edwin_Ng is
15 years ago 2
plurking 4 d sake of plurking...
Edwin_Ng says
15 years ago
yo! :-)
Edwin_Ng asks
15 years ago
any good on9 games to intro?...
Edwin_Ng wants
15 years ago 9
karma to rise... :-D
Edwin_Ng wonders
15 years ago 1
why he always plurk so late... hating crowds?... (thinking)
Edwin_Ng has
15 years ago 1
a happy life currently... but i still nid her... haiz..
Edwin_Ng says
15 years ago
wad?!!? my karma dropped??!? WTF?!!... (angry)
15 years ago
didnt noe there were 5 extra eps of tsubasa after the 52.... :-o
Edwin_Ng says
15 years ago
once again, i crave for her to be around...
Edwin_Ng wants
15 years ago 1
to eat more vegetarian in the future!!!