Mrs. Chatty
5Friends 1Fans
female Fremont, NH, United States
❤er of all things shoes, masters degree in shopping, iPhone owner, Macintosh disciple, Rabid Red Sox and Patriot fan, Golden Retriever mother, wordsmith, grammar nazi, teacher of young minds, joker, wife, friend.
Mrs. Chatty says
14 years ago
I don't mind going home tonight. I do mind going to school tomorrow.
Mrs. Chatty says
14 years ago 4
enjoying the respite from the snow in Florida
Mrs. Chatty hates
14 years ago
the sound of the dog licking anything. Ack!
Mrs. Chatty thinks
14 years ago
that a margarita by the water would be nice rather than this snow. Oh, that's Friday. Never mind. :-)
Mrs. Chatty thinks
14 years ago
mother nature can take the snow and shove it up her ass. Another 20 inches on Wednesday. Oh, five tomorrow too. Ugh.
Mrs. Chatty thinks
14 years ago 2
Using an evergreen air freshener just makes your house smell like someone pooped in the woods. In case you wanted to know.
Mrs. Chatty wonders
14 years ago
why pregnant news folk hold paper in front of their bellies. A) you can't hide that thing and B-) are we in the dark ages?
Mrs. Chatty
14 years ago
absofookinlootely miserable. Don't get in my way.
Mrs. Chatty
14 years ago
if I am this cold tonight, this weekend worries me. They said that temps will be below zero most of the weekend. Lordy.