0Friends 15Fans
male Chicago, IL, United States
chasingmarkk says
14 years ago
My "Super Nachos" are "Super." What kind of adjective is in front of your lunch?
chasingmarkk says
14 years ago
Can wheat germ save my soul?
chasingmarkk says
14 years ago
Can someone mod Gmail so it plays the AOL "You've Got Mail" sound clip? Thanks!
chasingmarkk says
14 years ago
OMG LOU!! Also: OD'd on Bassnectar.
chasingmarkk says
14 years ago
My metabolism is back, baby! Fuck, I'm hungry.
chasingmarkk says
14 years ago
Are tanning beds vegan? You're pretty much cooking human...
chasingmarkk says
14 years ago
Holy Cohabitation, Batman! It's Friday the 13th!
chasingmarkk says
14 years ago
Should be a rule: Grown humans should never EVER us the phrase "za" in reference to pizza.
chasingmarkk is
14 years ago
firing up Civ IV because I can't stand the wait. 41 days!
chasingmarkk says
14 years ago
I'm still looking for a what.cd invite. I'll buy you a burger or hooker (and then seed a shit ton).