Surely over £265 for installation of a standard radiator (minus pipework) isn't...normal?? o.O
Sigh...resigned to plucking chickens until I can think of a less unpleasant depilatory procedure.
Just got back from Garstang, sun still shining everywhere...hmmm, good excuse to go out again! LOL
Off to Leeds for the day/eve...It is our anniversary, so the sun WILL shine.
Everytime I go to the gym, I hear a small voice at the back of my mind go, "Ca-ake...Ca-aaake...Caaaaaake!"
I could say I'm happily-banana'd, but then some people might take it the wrong way!!!
The other half has suggested that for my job description on the census form, I should put down 'eating' or 'sampling local cuisine'! o.O
Viewing Saturn through a damp dewy scope wasn't quite part of my plan tonight.