got a problem of astronomical proportions...literally!
looking forward to the CNY goodies her mum's sending! =D'
an accessory to theft today...thinking this might be a viable sideline when feeling pecksh.
forgot her phone...Whoops! On the upside, found money in coat pocket! /bananadance
found it hilarious that an extremely amorous Widow Twanky took a shine to David, and quite literally too, spotlight and all! LOL
and Co will be on the road again in 5 hours...down south to have X'mas dinner with family! Hope you all have a merry ole' time too!
back home...all in one piece, though cannot say the same for the car or a seagull (which came off worse). =(
a tad annoyed with herself for forgetting to bring her cam's charger and lead, and now has to rely on her stupid phone.
only had few sips of white wine, and face is now glowing red enough to guide ships through the fog to Stromness Harbour.
and co are on the ferry about to leave for the Orkney Islands. Happy days!