138Friends 69Fans
female iriga, Philippines
Relationship must be choosen wisely.

It's better to be single than to be in bad company...

there's no need to rush.
If something is meant to be, it will happen in the ryt time w/ the ryt person for the best reason.....:-)
_mhaine_ says
12 years ago
,,xo bored in here,,, :-(
_mhaine_ says
12 years ago 2
,,gud evening. (cozy)
_mhaine_ says
12 years ago
If a girl ask you a question ,tell her the truth . Chances are shes asking you because she already know the answer .
_mhaine_ says
12 years ago
SOmetimes you just have tO smile,
pretend everything's Okay,
hOld back the tears nd just walk away . . .
_mhaine_ says
12 years ago
,,karma down,,,,
_mhaine_ says
12 years ago
,,its been a year since i open my plurk...miss u guyz,,, (cozy)
_mhaine_ says
13 years ago
Try to see the good part of every situation(:
_mhaine_ says
13 years ago
When life gives you a hundred reasons to be sad, give life a thousand reasons to be happy.
_mhaine_ says
13 years ago
_mhaine_ says
13 years ago
..cold morning,,