🌈Chandni (They)
1118Friends 77Fans
Second life
Owner of ~HopScotch~, A Second Life Store
Writer, RPer, Creative Nutcase, Funny, Introvert, Emotional but altogether pretty alright ;-)
Does anyone know why the Animation information in Firestorm does not accurately show the information? https://images.plurk.com/5WuzqnqWBLkBHEuAo8TBV0.png It is a dance I bought, looping, like 17 seconds long.. so this is clearly wrong lol And it happens for every pose/animation I check
https://images.plurk.com/15KmNcFEPZqwFZgADjlXNG.jpg https://images.plurk.com/613oYzOT0La6dAlU3ymRZj.jpg Guess who just got married :-D
Guess who just got engaged for their Birthday :-)
🌈Chandni (They)
8 months ago 3
TikTok · Zoo und Tierpark BerlinThe newest Baby in our Zoo.. adorable!
Today was M's first chemo treatment. He said it went without complications, he has no nausea so far. But he feels super tired so he has been sleeping since he's been back. Thank you all for thinking of him/us. It means a lot
🌈Chandni (They)
9 months ago 4
You know what would be great next in SL? Being able to format the text in notecards.. even simple bold, italic, underline and strikethrough without having to resort to ascii would be great! :-D
After like 8 years with a non functioning fridge, we finally got our new one today! Now we can prep some meals for heating up on days when M. or me don't feel like cooking during his chemo process.
🌈Chandni (They)
9 months ago 5
Was able to recover like 90% of Data from my old Computer. My old SSD is dead, tried several programs but nothing. At least the most important stuff I still got :-)
🌈Chandni (They)
9 months ago 8
Starting Bridgerton Season 3! So expect spoilers inside if I don't forget to write LOL