254Friends 160Fans
female Australia
♥sweet 16
♥nice pop songs.esp chinese and korean :-D
♥crazy girl XD
♥bloggie xD: CLforeverlove.pixnet.net/blog
1104 elva wow 120mv
13 years ago
好久没上了 |: 而且头像已经是几千年前的了 ==
14 years ago 1
2 hours just to nail timbre?!! ==
14 years ago
took the add maths test twice and FAILED TWICE. how sad ): awww... so depressed.
14 years ago 1
god god god im soooooo damn stupid & dumb compare to my friendss ):
14 years ago
screw physics project :/
14 years ago 1
wth?! feeling cold in summer?! well erm... that is what exactly happen to me right now =_=
14 years ago
https://images.plurk.com/3555415_b9f953a0b2a64d3af149247089758b26.jpg Love her soooooooooooooo much (: ILY meimay <3
14 years ago
wanna pass the test soooooooo badly. Maths specialist, ur gonna be dead.
14 years ago 7
need more hugss ):
14 years ago
FAILED maths test so badly. Fail maths 1st time in my whole life