CheckPoint you SUCK! Just let me download the damn Mac client and then I'll enter the serial number! You blow CheckPoint!
having to log onto the VPN to access a server in the DMZ WTF is the point of the DMZ if I have to connect to the network to get to it?
when is address book for someone is out of dateand can't call them
just finished my slide deck (hate those) and first run through for 1700 meeting today need the last section though from someone else errr
why did Plurk even launch before the API was done and at least a client was available? They should have learned from others already
is anyone successfully keeping up with conversation here?
finally plurk gives me a 6.63 karma
if Plurk doesn't update my Karma sometime soon I'm gonna be pissed
better that sneezing has stopped and allergies seem to be in check now