23Friends 12Fans
female Indonesia
simply one of a kind :-)
cchastolia is
15 years ago
waiting for my nyets to come to my house (LOL)
cchastolia says
15 years ago
I can smell happiness! :-D
cchastolia says
15 years ago
All I need is love... Love actually is all around me (heart)
cchastolia says
15 years ago
Hola (wave) I finally watched new moon this noon, people!! So late.. Jacob was freakin hot.. But I'm still TeamEdward :-P
cchastolia says
15 years ago
Bye all. Wish me luck on my last exam. I hope all my exams will make good grades in the report on January. AMEN :-))
cchastolia asks
15 years ago
why is plurk so silent today? Where's everyone??
cchastolia says
15 years ago
off deh mau blajar penjasorkes. Nilai harian gw acak adul jadi musti blajar nih buat ulum. Go go fight and win! (rock)
cchastolia says
15 years ago
You think I'm weak. I think you're wrong.
cchastolia likes
15 years ago
this: "We all grow into the beautiful persons that we're supposed to be. Some earlier, some later." -quoteword. Me: "I hope I'm earlier."
cchastolia likes
15 years ago
this: "Stress isn't for the young, it's for the old. So if you are young and stressed, stop trying to be old." -quoteword (LOL)