damn gurrrrl
14Friends 23Fans
female Huntington Beach, CA, United States
I'm quite interesting, sometimes I surprise myself..
damn gurrrrl
15 years ago 7
what is your favorite movie of all time??? (thinking)
damn gurrrrl loves
15 years ago
wife swap!
damn gurrrrl is
15 years ago 2
ready for my weekend...one more day
damn gurrrrl is
15 years ago 5
going to go to bed early. time to curl up with my two little boxers and go to bed. the hubby will join later and wake us all up. (sleeping)
damn gurrrrl is
15 years ago 4
full from claim jumper...now its time to relax and take it easy for the rest of the night.....im so stoked!
damn gurrrrl is
15 years ago 9
kinda getting over this whole plurk thing....
damn gurrrrl is
15 years ago 4
ready for the weekend already! its going to be a crazy week!
damn gurrrrl is
15 years ago 5
almost done with finals. 2 down 1 more to go!
damn gurrrrl is
15 years ago 4
damn gurrrrl is
15 years ago
going to sleep. tomorrow: 2 finals 8-) + crossfit (gym)= just plain torture if you ask me. (cry)