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female Scottsdale, AZ, United States I am a therapist, writer, and artist. I am improving relationships and healing lives to make this world a better place for everyone. I am the author of Heal Your Grief and SMART Talk: A Communication Workbook.
carolynflynn says
12 years ago
Add romance to your St Patrick's Day festivities with these green themed ideas
carolynflynn says
12 years ago
Celebrate St Patrick's Day with these green themed romantic ideas stpatricksday
carolynflynn says
12 years ago
Healing Meditation
carolynflynn says
12 years ago
The signs of love are all around you. Take time to stop and look for love.
carolynflynn says
12 years ago
Stop for love. The signs of love are all around you.
carolynflynn says
12 years ago
31 Romantic ideas for the month of March. Make every day a celebration of love.
carolynflynn says
12 years ago
31 Romantic ideas for March
carolynflynn says
12 years ago
Forgiveness is Detox. It is the best natural cleanse for your mind, body, and soul.
carolynflynn says
12 years ago
I am free to be healthy, wealthy, and happy now
carolynflynn says
12 years ago
Another wonderful day to be alive.