11Friends 12Fans
male Wichita, KS, United States
carmenICT says
16 years ago
Grabbed some video from last night's show... hopefully I can find decent software to edit... sound quality wasn't that great...
carmenICT says
16 years ago
I'm not a media star, so don't be my fan, let me be your friend!!! :-))
carmenICT is
16 years ago 2
Leaving really early to go to the show at Kirby's so he can run some errands and get some food... Wonders: Anyone else ever seen Fri 14th?
carmenICT says
16 years ago 2
BTW folks... there's a free music show at Kirby's Beerstore (near 17th and hillside) starting at 10 PM
carmenICT thinks
16 years ago
or maybe plurks show up on twitter... this is me not paying attention
carmenICT is
16 years ago
not sure if my last "twit" --- haha --- posted here... it's supposed to
carmenICT wants
16 years ago 1
to develop iphone apps... and is researching now... oh, and is "following" many on twitter
carmenICT says
16 years ago 2
Hey, to everyone... we'll see if I post here as much or more than on my blog... so busy, so much yet so little to say...
carmenICT is
16 years ago 2
multi-tasking like it's nobody's business... arranging chrome bookmarks, walking on the treadmill, catching up on networking sites, plrking.
carmenICT thinks
16 years ago 3
karma is over rated