53Friends 56Fans
male Madison, WI, United States
The Recovering Choir Director, est. 2002

Freelance Gregorian Chant specialist, teacher, choir director
self-published liturgical composer
MusicaSacra.com admin
freelance WordPress/marketing consultant.
[CantemusDomino.Net] The papal master of ceremonies addresses fellow priests…: The New Liturgical Movement blog h... ping.fm/dZoxt
[CantemusDomino.Net] Solemnity of the Epiphany: Music for Mass (Ordinary Form of the Roman Rite) St. Mary's of P... ping.fm/DA7lh
[CantemusDomino.Net] Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God: Music for Mass (Ordinary Form of the Roman Rite) St. Ma... ping.fm/TGhbI
[CantemusDomino.Net] Holy Family - Jesus, Mary and Joseph, Year C: Music for Mass (Ordinary Form of the Roman Rite)... ping.fm/AyfQe
[CantemusDomino.Net] Close out your year with the Te Deum among friends: httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=...... ping.fm/ceGGE
[CantemusDomino.Net] The Nativity of Our Lord: Mass during the Day: Music for Mass (Ordinary Form of the Roman Rite... ping.fm/lC9s0
[CantemusDomino.Net] The Nativity of Our Lord: Vigil Mass: Music for Mass (Ordinary Form of the Roman Rite) St. ... ping.fm/U0WNP
[CantemusDomino.Net] A new English-language setting of the Christmas Proclamation: May be found here (PDF). It uses... ping.fm/rs7h8
[CantemusDomino.Net] Fourth Sunday of Advent, Year C: Music for Mass (Ordinary Form of the Roman Rite) St. Mary'... ping.fm/sOpc8
[CantemusDomino.Net] Missal and Lectionary propers for the Ordinary-Form Confirmation Mass: Following up on my prev... ping.fm/vo84F