35Friends 138Fans
male Cedar Rapids, IA, United States
My interests include music, reading, comic books, movies, video games, mixed martial arts, wrasslin', writing a bit here and there, biking, history, strategy games, hugging wild animals and kicking it old school.
canedewey says
12 years ago 3
started the morning with one pushup . . . good start
canedewey says
12 years ago
Wish I had some Pop Rocks right now
canedewey says
12 years ago
Watching TIN TIN and crackingggggg up!
canedewey says
12 years ago
Had a best buy gift cert . . . Purchased the complete MR SHOW dvd collection . . . Loooooong overdue
canedewey says
12 years ago 1
I seriously cannot get enough of the show HAPPY ENDINGS
canedewey says
12 years ago 8
You think on some far off world where dragons exists all the kids go watch movies about mythical goats?
canedewey says
12 years ago 4
I'm gonna have strange dreams all night, I just know it. Hopefully something productive
canedewey says
12 years ago 6
The end of season 2 of Doctor Who! OoooooMmmmmmGgggggggg
canedewey says
12 years ago 34
wow, just cleared up so many friend/followers tonight! feels goooooood