12Friends 24Fans
female Jacksonville, FL, United States
Live in Fl. with parnter of 13 yrs. We have 15yo son and 28 yo son.
I work in a Ped's ICU as respiratory therapist.
I knit, crochet, sew and just love crafts in general. I am a knitting/crochet freak! If I am not knitting, I am watching knitting
candisrrt is
11 years ago
knitting on my knit swirl jacket. Great knit so far.
candisrrt is
11 years ago
just waking up. Couldn't sleep till 4a.
candisrrt says
11 years ago
oil changed with no worries! Very nice surprise.
candisrrt hopes
11 years ago
the oil changing place doesn't make me mad like they normally do.
candisrrt shares
11 years ago
saw The Heat today. Dumb but funny. Was able to knit 5 rows on a blanket during the movie.
candisrrt shares
11 years ago
Saw Whitehouse Down today. Fun shoot em movie.
candisrrt is
11 years ago
is settling in for an evening of knitting.
candisrrt is
12 years ago 1
going back to bed! House all to myself
candisrrt is
12 years ago
waiting for i pad to update so I can go do laundry and then visit my mom
candisrrt is
12 years ago
hanging out in quiet while family sleeps